The Lady and the Lionheart

The Lady and the Lionheart Joanne Bischof


The Lady and the Lionheart

Two worlds collide when the circus comes to Victorian-era Virginia.

Raised amid the fame and mystique of the Big Top, Charlie Lionheart holds the audience in the palm of his hand. But while his act captivates thousands, it’s away from the spotlight where his true heart lies. Here he humbly cares for his pride of lions as if they were his brothers, a skill of bravery and strength that has prepared him for his most challenging feat yet—freeing an orphaned infant from the dark bondage of a sideshow. A trade so costly, it requires his life in exchange for hers, leaving him tarnished by the price of that choice.

As the circus tents are raised on the outskirts of Roanoke, nurse Ella Beckley arrives to tend to this Gypsy girl. All under the watchful eye of a guardian who not only bears a striking resemblance to the child, but who protects the baby with a love that wraps around Ella’s own tragic past, awakening a hope that goodness may yet reign. When their forbidden friendship deepens, Charlie dares to ask for her heart, bringing her behind the curtain of his secret world to reveal the sacrifice that gave hope to one little girl—boldly showing Ella that while her tattered faith is deeply scarred, the only marks that need be permanent are his own.

Just then a child in the row behind Ella cried out, “Look, Mama!”

Charlie, dressed in his center ring finery, strode into the arena, as strong and strapping as ever. Face powdered and painted with two jagged teardrops under his eyes, he walked with stoic authority, tall boots forging a fresh trail straight toward his audience. Ella didn’t know a single man could hush a packed house with no words, but…then there was Charlie Lionheart.

Ficção / Religião e Espiritualidade / Romance

Edições (1)

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Dos livros que já li na vida, poucos tiveram o poder de despertar tanta ternura e esperança no meu coração. Ella Beckley é apenas uma enfermeira que tenta seguir em frente com sua vida e esquecer a tragédia que marcou sua história para sempre. A chegada do circo em sua cidade não lhe causou muita emoção, até conhecer Charles Lionhear, o domador de leões que precisa de ajuda para cuidar da saúde de sua sobrinha. Aos poucos os dois personagens vão se envolvendo em uma amizade tão do... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
20/11/2022 21:13:32
editou em:
20/11/2022 21:15:24

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