The Little Broomstick

The Little Broomstick Mary Stewart


The Little Broomstick

First published 45 years ago, this is a beautiful new edition of Mary Stewart's beloved magical classic illustrated by Shirley Hughes. Don't miss the beautifully animated film adaptation called Mary and the Witch's Flower (by the producer of The Tale of The Princess Kaguya), in cinemas now. 'The little broomstick gave a leap, a violent twist, a kick like the kick of a pony.' Mary's been exiled to her great-aunt, deep in the English countryside. Miserable and lonely, she befriends strange black cat Tib who leads her deep into the forest to an ordinary looking broomstick. Before Mary can gather her wits, the broomstick jumps into action, whisking her over the treetops, above the clouds, and to the grounds of Endor College, school of witchcraft. But something is terribly wrong at Endor. Students are taught spells that are petty and ill-wishing, and when Mary discovers evidence of a terrible and cruel experiment in transformation, she decides to leave. But the moment her broomstick takes off, she realises that Tib the cat has been captured ... Mary Stewart is the bestselling author of fourteen romantic thrillers, including the classic novels This Rough Magic and The Moon-Spinners, and five historical fantasy novels of Arthurian Britain. The animated film, Mary and the Witch's Flower, will be released in 2018 by Studio Ponoc. The producer, Yoshiaki Nishimura, also produced The Tale of The Princess Kaguya and When Marnie Was There.

Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (3)

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The Little Broomstick
The Little Broomstick
The Little Broomstick


Resenhas para The Little Broomstick (1)

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Respeito à magia e à força da natureza
on 17/2/21

História leve, com pequenas ilustrações e uma ótima criatividade. No enredo temos uma escola de magia, que muitos podem comparar à Hogwarts, mas, nesse sentido, the little broomstick foi o primeiro a trazer esse universo. Repleto de uma magia delicada, o livro trás temas como a descoberta do mundo, a criação de feitiços engraçados, e a beleza de se respeitar a magia da natureza. (Recomendo o filme Mary and the Witch Flower como complemento à leitura). Amei.... leia mais


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