The Love Parade

The Love Parade Sergio Pitol


The Love Parade

Following the chance discovery of certain documents, a historian sets out to unravel the mystery of a murder committed in his childhood Mexico City home in the autumn of 1942. Mexico had just declared war on Germany, and its capital had recently become a colorful cauldron of the most unusual and colorful of the European ilk: German communists, Spanish republicans, Trotsky and his disciples, Balkan royalty, agents of the most varied secret services, opulent Jewish financiers, and more.

As the historian-turned-detective begins his investigation, he introduces us to a rich and eccentric gallery of characters, the media of politics, the newly installed intelligentsia, and beyond. Identities are crossed, characters are confounded; Pitol constructs a novel that turns on mistaken identities, blurred memories, and conflicting interests, and whose protagonist is haunted by the ever-looming possibility of never uncovering the truth. At the same time a fast-paced detective investigation and an uproarious comedy of errors, this novel cemented Pitol’s place as one of Latin America’s most important twentieth-century authors. Winner of the Herralde Prize in 1984, "The Love Parade" is the first installment of what Pitol would later dub his Carnival Triptych.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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The Love Parade
O desfile do amor


Resenhas para The Love Parade (1)

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Desfile sem amor
on 20/2/10

A primeira impressão que temos de um livro é sua capa e titulo, nesse a impressão é completamente inversa a realidade, isto porque os dois passam uma sensação de história romântica da década de vinte e que provavelmente se passa em Paris. Quando na realidade a história envolve um mistério, cheio de invejas, cobiças e um pouco de loucuras, que se passa em um México entrando na década de 70[se não me engano], contudo a maioria das páginas contêm relatos sobre os misteriosos acontecimen... leia mais


Avaliações 4.0 / 3
ranking 33
ranking 33
ranking 33
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Pedro S.
cadastrou em:
21/06/2023 00:49:30
Pedro S.
editou em:
21/06/2023 00:52:04

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