The Maid of Fairbourne Hall

The Maid of Fairbourne Hall Julie Klassen


The Maid of Fairbourne Hall

Regency Romance and Mystery from Bestselling Author Julie Klassen

Pampered Margaret Macy flees London in disguise to escape pressure to marry a dishonorable man. With no money and nowhere else to go, she takes a position as a housemaid in the home of Nathaniel Upchurch, a suitor she once rejected in hopes of winning his dashing brother. Praying no one will recognize her, Margaret fumbles through the first real work of her life. If she can last until her next birthday, she will gain an inheritance from a spinster aunt--and sweet independence. But can she remain hidden as a servant even when prying eyes visit Fairbourne Hall?

Observing both brothers as an "invisible" servant, Margaret learns she may have misjudged Nathaniel. Is it too late to rekindle his admiration? And when one of the family is nearly killed, Margaret alone discovers who was responsible. Should she come forward, even at the risk of her reputation and perhaps her life? And can she avoid an obvious trap meant to force her from hiding?

On her journey from wellborn lady to servant to uncertain future, Margaret must learn to look past appearances and find the true meaning of "serve one another in love."


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The Maid of Fairbourne Hall


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Mais um livro delicioso
on 7/8/18

Segundo livro que leio dessa autora e, novamente, fiquei encantada. Margaret Macy, filha de um pároco, era uma menina linda, mas cometeu o grande erro de se encantar pelo irmão Upchurch errado e recusar o pedido de casamento de Nathaniel. Depois de dois anos do ocorrido, de perder seu pai em um acidente, e ser ignorada pelo seu escolhido, se vê envolvida em uma sórdida trama de seu padrasto. Para evitar sua maldade e a imposição de se casar com o sobrinho dele, ela foge de casa se d... leia mais


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Carol Sixel
cadastrou em:
19/07/2018 08:28:25

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