The Marino Mission : One Girl, One Mission

The Marino Mission : One Girl, One Mission Karen B. Chapman


The Marino Mission : One Girl, One Mission

One Thousand Words: 1,000 Need-to-Know SAT Vocabulary Words

One unforgettable story. One thousand unforgettable *SAT vocabulary words*. Alexa McCurry leads an ordinary teenager's life in upstate New Yorkuntil she embarks on a summer adventure in Central America. While working at a potentially boring internship in a marine DNA lab, she befriends a local boy, José, and a remarkable dolphin, Pecas. Together, Alexa and José uncover an ominous secret: Pecas' missing baby may be a captive at a marine biology facility. In a riveting tale of intrigue, Alexa and José work to unravel the mysteryand lead the reader on a vocabulary-expanding adventure. The Marino Mission is a fun and painless way to master 1,000 tough SAT vocabulary words. Why spend all day looking at lists of words and definitions when you can read a gripping page-turner that incorporates SAT vocabulary words right into the text? Even better, words are defined at the bottom of each page so you don't have to flip to the back of the book to find definitions. Plus, self-tests at the end of the novel help you retain what you learn and prepare for test day. Once you open up The Marino Mission, you'll hardly know you're studying at all!
(*) The SAT exam still tests vocabulary: SAT Vocabulary now falls into a testing category called “Words in Context”. Testers will receive a subscore in this category, derived from both the SAT Reading and Writing & Language Tests. . . Memorizing SAT vocabulary was absolutely necessary to do well on the exam. But with the current form of the SAT, there's far less emphasis on testing vocabulary. Sentence Completion questions have been totally removed, and all vocab is now about medium difficulty, so you won't be seeing any super obscure words anymore!

Autoajuda / Aventura / Comunicação / Dicionários / Didáticos / Técnico / Entretenimento / Ficção / Línguas Estrangeiras / Literatura Estrangeira / Não-ficção / Crônicas / Drama / Infantojuvenil / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (2)

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The Marino Mission : One Girl, One Mission
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