The Moonfire Bride

The Moonfire Bride Sylvia Mercedes


The Moonfire Bride (Of Candlelight and Shadows)

Perfect for fans of A Court of Thorns and Roses and The Cruel Prince, this tale of a human girl stolen to be the bride of a doomed fae lord is irresistibly romantic!

Hers is a life without magic or romance. Until the night he whispers her name.

For years, Valera has worked weary hours as a seamstress just to keep food on the table. She would give her all to protect her little sister from the cruelties of the world . . . and the tantalizing lure of the fae forest. One day, she fears, the fae will spirit her sister away, and how can Valera hope to stop them?

Then the fae come. Not for her sister . . . but for her.

Trapped in a magnificent palace far from her own world, Valera finds herself the unwilling bride of an enigmatic fae lord. He claims he won’t harm her and vows to return her home after a year and a day if she honors one rule: she must never see his face.

Determined to return to her sister at all costs, Valera struggles to unravel the mystery of her so-called husband. Why does he so desperately need a wife? And why her specifically? Torn between love, duty, and the unexpected freedom she finds in this strange new world, Valera must fight to find her place.

But will a burgeoning passion for the unseen figure in the shadows be her undoing?

The Moonfire Bride is book one of a two-part fae romance inspired by the myth of “Hades and Persephone” as well as “Eros and Psyche.” Read today if you’re craving a dark, swoon-worthy hero and a sweet, slow-burn romance with just a touch of steam!

Fantasia / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Moonfire Bride


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on 16/4/22

Em uma noite, Valena se deita e quando está quase perdida pelo sono... Ela ouve uma voz. "Qual o seu nome?" Uma pergunta simples, não é mesmo? Ela acaba dando o nome dela e na manhã seguinte descobre que está meio casada com um feérico. A bruxa diz que ela deve permanecer em casa até a manhã seguinte ou o casamento será completo. Valena pensou que conseguiria, até os enviados do fae falarem sobre sua irmã. "Você precisa permanecer aqui por 1 ano e 1 dia, depois te devolverei para su... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.2 / 67
ranking 13
ranking 30
ranking 40
ranking 13
ranking 3



cadastrou em:
27/05/2021 21:31:32
editou em:
27/05/2021 21:31:54

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