The Narrow Road to the Deep North

The Narrow Road to the Deep North Richard Flanagan


The Narrow Road to the Deep North

A novel of the cruelty of war, and tenuousness of life and the impossibility of love.

Richard Flanagan's story of Dorrigo Evans, an Australian doctor haunted by a love affair with his uncle's wife journeys from the caves of Tasmanian trappers in the early twentieth century to a crumbling pre-war beachside hotel, from a Thai jungle prison to a Japanese snow festival, from the Changi gallows to a chance meeting of lovers on the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Taking its title from 17th-century haiku poet Basho's travel journal, The Narrow Road To The Deep North is about the impossibility of love. At its heart is one day in a Japanese slave labour camp in August 1943. As the day builds to its horrific climax, Dorrigo Evans battles and fails in his quest to save the lives of his fellow POWs, a man is killed for no reason, and a love story unfolds.

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The Narrow Road to the Deep North
The Narrow Road to the Deep North
The Narrow Road to the Deep North
The Narrow Road to the Deep North


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O caminho estreito para os confins do norte

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Para nunca esquecer!
on 21/1/22

Nunca fiquei tão constantemente emocionada durante uma leitura. Um choro a cada capítulo, as mãos segurando o livro com força sem perceber, as pausas para respirar. Um mergulho intenso, arrebatador, devastador na condição humana. Tão potente que poderia ser a única leitura que alguém faça na vida e valeria por uma biblioteca. Mas, justamente por essa sua potência que reafirma a beleza mágica da literatura, é o tipo de livro que faz querer sempre mais, sempre outro, sempre o pr... leia mais


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08/11/2014 12:26:48

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