The Night Hunt

The Night Hunt Alexandra Christo


The Night Hunt

From the author of To Kill a Kingdom comes The Night Hunt, a dark fantasy romance about a monstrous girl who feeds on fear and the Gods-cursed boy who falls in love with her.

Atia is an immortal trickster who feeds on fear. As the last of her kind, she thinks herself safe from the wrath of the unpredictable Gods. Silas is a Herald, carrying messages and ferrying the dead as Gods-given punishment for a past he can't remember. Stripped of his true name, he painfully serves his hundred-year sentence, yearning to recover his true identity.

When the Gods strip Atia of her powers, Silas realizes that she may be the solution to his own immortal punishment. He offers her a deal: he'll help her avenge her family and take on the Gods who now hunt her if she helps him break his curse and restore his humanity. All they need to do is kill three powerful creatures: a vampire, a banshee, and one of the very Gods who destroyed both their lives. Only by uniting their strengths and trusting in each other can they finally rewrite their destinies.

Fantasia / Ficção / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira

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The Night Hunt


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Não é nenhum To Kill a Kingdom, mas é interessante
on 18/10/23

The Night Hunt nos traz a história de Atia, um monstro que se alimenta do medo de suas vítimas, e Silas, um arauto da morte punido com a tarefa de guiar as almas dos mortos até o outro lado. Todavia, quando Atia é amaldiçoada pelos deuses e começa a perder seus poderes, Silas decide oferecer um trato a garota: ele a ajudaria a recuperar seus poderes se ela, em troca, quebrasse a própria maldição que o afligia naquele eterno tormento de guiar os mortos. E a garota, sem visualizar outra ... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 1
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cadastrou em:
29/01/2023 12:30:57
editou em:
29/01/2023 12:31:11

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