The PARA Method

The PARA Method Tiago Forte


The PARA Method

This accessible guide expands upon the well-written, cogent, and useful (David Allen, author of Getting Things Done) bestselling Building a Second Brain with actionable advice on how to improve your digital life in just a few minutes. Living a modern life requires juggling a ton of information. But we were never taught how to manage this information effectively so that we can find what we need when we need it. In The PARA Method, Tiago Forte outlines a simple and intuitive four-step system that will help us sort all the information flooding our brains into four major categoriesProjects, Areas, Resources, and Archivesallowing us to manage our commitments while achieving our goals and dreams. -Projects are specific, short-term efforts that you are actively working on with a certain goal in mind, such as completing a website or renovating your bathroom. -Areas are the larger, ongoing areas of responsibility (health, finances, etc.) that encompass those specific projects. -Resources include content on a range of topics youre interested in or that could be useful for your projects and areas. -Archives include anything from the previous three categories that is now inactive, but you want to save for future reference. With his easy-to-understand and engaging voice, Forte outlines his best practices and tips on how to successfully implement PARA, along with deep dives on everything from how to adopt habits to stay organized to how to use this system to enhance your focus. The PARA Method can be implemented in just seconds but has the power to transform the trajectory of your work and life using the power of digital organization.

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Resenhas para The PARA Method (3)

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The para method
on 23/9/23

The PARA Method de Tiago Forte é um livro que apresenta um sistema de organização pessoal que se baseia na categorização de tarefas em Projetos, Áreas, Recursos e Arquivo. Ele ajuda a simplificar a gestão de informações e tarefas, aumentando a produtividade e a clareza mental.... leia mais


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17/08/2023 05:10:04