The Price of Pride

The Price of Pride Abigail Reynolds


The Price of Pride

A Pride & Prejudice Variation

In Love with His Brother’s Betrothed…

As far as Fitzwilliam Darcy is concerned, the only good thing to come of Elizabeth Bennet’s bitter refusal of his heart and his hand was his new resolve to prove himself a better man. He’d done it, too, by closing the painful distance between himself and his estranged younger brother, Drew. And now Drew is newly engaged to be married…to Elizabeth Bennet.

Family duty forces Darcy to support the engagement, especially since even the smallest hint of disapproval could ruin the brothers’ hard-won reconciliation. But how can he bear to watch his brother marry the woman he loves? To see her in Drew’s arms, bearing Drew’s children, and forever out of his reach?

An Accidental Compromise

Elizabeth has no choice but to accept an engagement to handsome Drew Darcy. He’s amiable, educated, and respectable, and if it weren’t for his last name, she wouldn’t even mind the idea. But to marry the brother of the gentleman she’d so coldly rejected only months before? Especially now that she realizes her feelings for him are far from sisterly. How can she marry Drew while longing for his brother? But the cost of breaking her engagement would be ruination, and with it, the loss of any hope of a life with Darcy.

Trapped by loyalty, love, and propriety, there is no way out. But old family secrets haunt the Darcy brothers. Could those secrets, when brought out in the open, change everything?

This intensely emotional variation on Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice will make you fall in love with Elizabeth and Darcy all over again.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Price of Pride


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tão lindo...
on 4/2/21

achei essa adaptação da Abigail tão linda! adorei essa versão que ela escreveu, a história muito linda e emocionante. leitura muito fluída e prazerosa. fiquei bem ansiosa para saber como ia acabar, sabendo que a Lizzy estava noiva do Andrew Darcy, sendo que ela e Mr. Darcy estavam apaixonados... mas o final foi ótimo.... leia mais


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Dani Ramos
cadastrou em:
31/01/2021 18:08:46
Dani Ramos
editou em:
31/01/2021 18:10:19

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