The Princess of Clèves

The Princess of Clèves Madame de La Fayette


The Princess of Clèves

Perhaps one of the greatest works of French literature is Madame de Lafayette’s The Princess of Clèves, often described as the first of all “modern” novels. This classic translation, with an introduction, by the late English novelist and biographer Nancy Mitford, was first brought out in 1951 by New Directions. It is now available as a New Directions Paperbook. Published in 1678 and written by Marie Madeleine Roche de la Vergne, Countess de Lafayette––a Parisian lady of fashion and great wit––it recreates with matchless vitality the lives and loves of the sixteenth-century courtiers of King Henry II of France. In her exquisite tapestry, we encounter such historic figures as Diane de Poitiers, the kings mistress; Catherine de Médicis, his queen; the doomed Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland. It tells the story of the consuming passion of the young Duc de Nemours for the beautiful wife of his friend the Prince of Clèves. Madame de Sévigne, the great letter writer and life-long friend of Madame de Lafayette, called The Princess of Clèves “one of the most charming things.” It is still that––and it is also one of the truly great love stories of all literature.

Drama / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance / Aventura / História / Política

Edições (9)

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on 1/7/20

Diz a sabedoria popular que “segredo entre três, só matando dois”. Aplicar essa máxima ao clássico romance de Madame de La Fayette, não creio que sobrem personagens, até porque os próprios donos do segredo teriam de cometer suicídio para não ter comichões de se confessar com ninguém. Intrigas e fofocas são a base do enredo e todo mundo está mais que interessado nos mexericos da corte. Considerando tal fato, é meio hilário que Sarkozy tenha eleito o romance como um de seus inimigos part... leia mais


Avaliações 3.6 / 156
ranking 23
ranking 36
ranking 33
ranking 6
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
07/01/2023 15:50:43
editou em:
07/01/2023 15:50:50

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