The Protector

The Protector Anna Hackett


The Protector (Norcross Security #9)

For a ballerina in the line of fire, the only man who can keep her safe is a scarred, battle-hardened soldier.

One minute Saskia Hawke is dancing on stage, and the next she’s been abducted by a very wealthy, very powerful man with connections. Whisked away to a country estate, she’ll do anything to escape, and prays the former soldier she can’t stop thinking about will come to rescue her.

What she doesn’t know is that her disappearance will light a protective fury inside Camden Morgan, and he’ll tear down the country to find her.

After a final mission leaves former Ghost Ops soldier Camden Morgan injured, scarred, and riddled with guilt, he comes home to San Francisco. Surrounded by his family and working at Norcross Security, he still can’t settle. He definitely knows he’s too broken to offer anything to the beautiful, raven-haired Saskia.

When she goes missing, Cam knows something is very wrong. He’s the man with the right skill set to bring her home, even as he knows he must protect her from himself and push her away.

But saving Saskia is just the beginning, as her abductor isn’t letting go of his obsession. Cam must go all in, be the protector Saskia needs, and risk his scarred heart. With the help of his brothers and Norcross Security, not to mention Saskia’s dangerous brother and his team, they’ll put everything on the line. And for Saskia, she’ll fight with everything she has to survive…and to prove to Cam that he’s capable and worthy of love.

**Each book in this action-packed romance series can be read as a standalone.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Protector


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The Investigator
The Specialist
The Troubleshooter
The Bodyguard

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on 3/12/22

Nesse 9 volume da série Norcross security, temos a história de Candem Morgan, um ex agente de uma equipe especial. Ele está quebrado, passou por muitas coisas e não acredita que um dia possa ser feliz. Saskia Hawke é uma famosa bailarina, em uma apresentação, ela é sequestrada e o único de pode resgatá-la é Candem. Tem muita ação, romance. Amei essa série. Todos eles tem histórias individuais, mas na minha opinião recomendo ler em ordem pois apesar das histórias serem independentes os ... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 15
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cadastrou em:
31/07/2022 13:28:15
editou em:
31/07/2022 13:29:14

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