The Queen With No Name

The Queen With No Name JJ Mackenzie


The Queen With No Name #1

Return of the Ancestors Book 1

She was born to be a queen, yet she’s nothing more than a political pawn. With no name and no place to call her own, she’s doing her best to hold on to the only thing that belongs to her and her alone—her soul. A difficult task, given that she was kept alive for the sole purpose of being given to the formidable King Rowan of Northrend to fulfill the treaty signed by the three kingdoms of Greatland long before she was born. She must bear his heirs in the hopes of keeping the delicate peace that continually lies on the precipice of collapse. What she doesn’t know is that she’s not just the key to peace—she’s the key to war.

King Rowan’s entire life has been spent protecting his beloved kingdom and people. All he wishes for is an unassuming wife to bear his heirs and leave him unaffected. But the princess with no name haunts him with her beauty and unyielding spirit. Torn between breaking her and loving her, he puts his kingdom at risk each passing day he goes without a legitimate heir.

But there are more than hearts and souls on the line; danger lurks around every corner. Threats from within and without Northrend make it difficult to know who they can trust. The paramount question is, can they trust each other? Will the king finally name his queen, or will she tear his world apart? Her name comes with a price. Who will pay it?

Author JJ Makenzie presents an achingly beautiful coming of age story with a romance that will curl your toes and leave you longing for more.

Fantasia / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Queen With No Name


Resenhas para The Queen With No Name (1)

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on 23/10/23

Não sei nem o que dizer. Eu realmente estou impressionada com esse livro. Eu li em menos de 1 dia. Aproveitei o final be domingo e li até de madrugada. Eu não consegui parar. A leitura foi muito fluida. Li por causa de um bookstagram e como estava no Kindle unlimited, eu peguei emprestado o livro. Não é um livro perfeito pra mim. Teve coisas que eu não gostei, mas no geral é muito bom. Muito bem escrito . Gostei das críticas que a autora fez e o modo como fez. Não vou falar muito para... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.5 / 1
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cadastrou em:
22/10/2023 13:05:46
editou em:
22/10/2023 13:06:08

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