The Reminders

The Reminders Val Emmich


The Reminders

The Rosie Project meets Tell the Wolves I'm Home in this endearing debut about what happens when a girl who can't forget befriends a man who's desperate to remember. Grief-stricken over his partner's death, Gavin Winters sets fire to every physical reminder in the couple's home. A neighbor captures the ordeal on video, turning this unsung TV actor into a household name. Now Gavin is fleeing the hysteria of Los Angeles for New Jersey, hoping to find peace with the family of an old friend. Instead, he finds Joan.Joan, the family's ten-year-old daughter, was born with the rare ability to recall every day of her life in cinematic detail. In seconds, she can tell you how many times her mother has uttered the phrase "it never fails" in the last six months (twenty-seven) or what she was wearing when her grandfather took her fishing on a particular Sunday in June years ago (fox socks). Joan has never met Gavin until now, but she did know his partner, Sydney, and waiting inside her uncanny mind are a half dozen startlingly vivid memories to prove it.Gavin strikes a deal with Joan: in return for sharing all her memories of Sydney, Gavin will help Joan win a local songwriting contest she's convinced could make her unforgettable. The unlikely duo set off on their quest until Joan reveals unexpected details about Sydney's final months, forcing Gavin to question not only the purity of his past with Sydney but the course of his own immediate future.Told in the alternating voices of these two irresistible characters, The Reminders is a hilarious and tender exploration of loss, memory, friendship, and renewal.

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The Reminders
The Reminders


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Mistura de Beatles com romance!

Um livro que mistura o desespero de um adulto que não consegue lembrar de momentos que viveu com a inocência de uma criança que nada esquece. Aqui na leitura aprendemos a valorizar um pouco os momentos que de início parecem pouco especiais, e também a valorizar a pureza da criança e saber que com elas temos muito a aprender! Tudo isso com muita referência a arte, música, Beatles! Um livro completo!! Indico muito a leitura!... leia mais


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João gregorio
cadastrou em:
22/01/2017 19:57:07

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