The Room(hate)

The Room(hate) Penelope Bloom


The Room(hate)

A Secret Baby Romance (English Edition)

Sebastian St. James needed an ego check in the worst way.
So I gave him the tongue lashing to end all tongue lashings.
But he liked it.
Before I knew it, my dress was up to my ears.
He apparently had a tongue lashing of his own to give.

Mission gloriously failed, if you asked me.

We both agreed to part ways like adults. No strings, no attachments.

Except I couldn’t stand that he’d been able to walk away so easily.

So I handled my disappointment like the totally reasonable woman I am.
I attended one of his book signings and threw coffee in his face.
Then I face-planted over a fence trying to outrun his security.

Before I knew it, I was recovering in Sebastian’s mansion.
Then he offered me a job watching his cat and staying in his house.
I wish I could say I stared into his dreamy eyes and told him to bite me.
But I needed the job more than I wanted to admit.

So now I’m bunked with an obnoxiously attractive roommate.

A roommate I somehow want to strangle and straddle at the same time.

But there's nothing to worry about.
He "doesn't do relationships."
Nope. All he does is brood, glower, and boss me around.

But just like everything else in my life, it gets messier.

I'm pregnant.

Who's the father, you ask? I'll give you a hint.
The baby's probably going to come out with cute little horns and a pitchfork.

A full-length enemies-to-lovers, secret baby romance loaded with laugh-out-loud moments, unapologetic wit, and a lovable heroine who would look the devil in the eyes and make him say "please". Will she drag the jaded millionaire kicking and grumbling to his happily ever after?

Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Room(hate)


Resenhas para The Room(hate) (2)

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on 9/6/23

Quando você acha que a história ta andando a autora caga com tudo e deixa ela completamente entediante A parte do gato era a mais chata, por Deuss. Sofri para terminar viu E o plano do final foi tão sem noção que só me restou rir... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.1 / 17
ranking 17
ranking 11
ranking 50
ranking 17
ranking 6



cadastrou em:
15/10/2021 09:20:45
editou em:
15/10/2021 09:21:14

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