The Sandman The Doll

The Sandman The Doll's House Neil Gaiman


The Sandman The Doll's House

The Doll's House is the second trade paperback collection of the comic book series The Sandman, published by DC Comics. It collects issues #9-16. It is written by Neil Gaiman, illustrated by Mike Dringenberg, Malcolm Jones III, Chris Bachalo, Michael Zulli and Steve Parkhouse, coloured by Robbie Busch and lettered by Todd Klein. It was issued in paperback in 1990 - before the first volume (Preludes and Nocturnes) - and later reissued as a hardback volume in 1995. The collected edition features a foreword by Gaiman's friend Clive Barker.

Both Preludes and Nocturnes and early editions of The Doll's House reprint issue #8 of the series ("The Sound of Her Wings"). This is probably because The Doll's House was the first Sandman collection to be printed, and it is likely that at the time it was unclear whether any others would be issued. When the series became popular enough to be fully collected, issue #8 was also included in Preludes and Nocturnes, to which it is arguably the epilogue, and newer reprints of The Doll's House do not include it.

Suspense e Mistério / Terror

Edições (2)

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The Doll
The Sandman The Doll


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Estou vivendo ou sonhando?
on 7/8/22

Percebo uma melhora considerável na arte dessa saga e, de certa forma, nos conceitos aqui empregados também, mas, como aconteceu no primeiro volume, sigo toda a narrativa e junto os pedaços sem chegar à grande conclusão que me era esperada. Quais eram as intenções de Desejo ao maquinar toda essa situação? O que Sonho quis dizer com eles serem, na verdade, nossos bonecos manipuláveis? Qual a função dos pesadelos criados por ele? Acredito ainda não ter encontrado o "ponto" da obra, no... leia mais


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