The Stone Girl

The Stone Girl Alyssa B. Sheinmel
Alyssa B. Sheinmel


The Stone Girl

She feels like a creature out of a fairy tale; a girl who discovers that her bones are really made out of stone, that her skin is really as thin as glass, that her hair is brittle as straw, that her tears have dried up so that she cries only salt. Maybe that's why it doesn't hurt when she presses hard enough to begin bleeding: it doesn't hurt, because she's not real anymore.

High school senior Sarah Beth (Sethie) Weiss is disciplined. She has never cut a class in her life, has never had a grade below a B+, and has always been a favorite among her teachers. Her college applications are finished and she only ate six Ritz crackers today. But even on days when Sethie needs to eat more, there's always the toilet to make up for her mistakes. Sethie manages to get down to 104, and maybe if she works just a little bit harder, becomes a little more disciplined, she can get below 100. Truth be told, Sethie has more to worry about than her relationship with her body; but the deeper she descends into her disorder, the smaller her world gets and the harder it is to see her way out.

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The Stone Girl


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on 5/8/12

Classificado como 2 estrelas e meia no Murphy's Library. Quando vi esse livro no NetGalley pela primeira vez achei que era sobre uma garota que descobre que seus ossos são de pedra, e que também tem distúrbios alimentares. Eu recebi o ARC digital para ler e, pra minha surpresa, o trecho sobre a garota de pedra no começo da descrição do livro é apenas um pensamento de Sethie. Eu não sei se gostei disso, ao mesmo tempo em que eu acho que foi melhor ela não ter nenhum poder paranormal, a... leia mais


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29/02/2012 16:21:34

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