The Terrifics Vol. 1

The Terrifics Vol. 1


The Terrifics Vol. 1 (The Terrifics)

Meet the Terrifics

A billionaire genius. A shape-shifting wise guy. An intangible alien. An elemental powerhouse. At first glance, these four heroes have nothing in common. But when Plastic Man, Phantom Girl, Metamorpho and Mr. Terrific are thrown together by fate, they become something greater than the sum of its parts...something truly terrific!

Unleashed by a tragic accident, supernatural forces have bound this unlikely team together, stranding them deep in the nightmare realm known as the Dark Multiverse. Now they must learn to work together to find a cure for their condition, a pathway home...and a missing hero who just might hold the key to it all.

But something even deeper than their shared plight binds them together. In each of these incredible characters, the spirt of exploration and the hope for a better tomorrow burns so brightly that not even the black magic of the Dark Multiverse can snuff it out!

Join the journey in The Terrifics Vol. 1: Meet the Terrifics. The all-star creative team of Jeff Lemire, Ivan Reis, Evan "Doc" Shaner and Joe Bennett usher in a new age of heroes with the most talked-about team book of the year!

Collects The Terrifics #1-6.

HQ, comics, mangá

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The Terrifics Vol. 1


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Uma equipe um tanto diferente.
on 24/7/23

O quadrinho é tão legal que eu li em apenas algumas horas e de modo que a leitura não foi cansativa. Eu achei bem divertido a história, talvez funcione para alguns e para outros não, mas para mim funcionou porque eu curto esse tipo de roteiro. A interação do metamorfo com o homem borracha são as melhores coisas deste quadrinho, desde piadas até uma "junção" de poderes. A phantom girl é uma personagem muito interessante e tenho certeza que nos próximos volumes ela ainda vai brilhar mais... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
07/12/2021 05:14:38
editou em:
07/12/2021 05:15:17

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