The Voice of God

The Voice of God Cindy Jacobs


The Voice of God

How to Hear and Speak Words from God

What does prophecy look like in today's world? Is it possible to hear the voice of God directly?
The answer is yes! God is still speaking in and through believers, and He wants to speak through you, too.
In this fully revised edition of her landmark text, bestselling author and leading prophetic voice Cindy Jacobs brings the dynamic work of prophecy to life for a new generation. With a biblical examination of both the protocols and the pitfalls of this spiritual gift, this practical book will help you use your prophetic voice with wisdom, maturity and love. You'll learn how to listen for God's words and bring His message to the broken, desperate world around you.
The Holy Spirit is looking for people willing to hear the voice of God. Learn what it means to answer His call--and become a pathway for the transforming work of God.
"Transparent, authentic, life-giving. What I love most is how Cindy covers so many aspects of how God can speak, yet she never limits the process to a certain way."
--Bill Johnson, senior leader, Bethel Church, Redding, California

"A modern-day classic for the global prophetic movement."--Dr. James W. Goll, founder, God Encounters; author, lecturer and communications trainer
"You will be challenged, enlightened and activated to hear from the Lord and, with that insight and anointing, to change your world."--Jane Hamon, apostle, Vision Church @ Christian International
"This message impacts our lives on every level and will bear fruit for generations to come."--Banning Liebscher, founder and pastor, Jesus Culture

Religião e Espiritualidade

Edições (1)

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The Voice of God


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Como ouvir a voz de Deus


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Van Ribeiro
cadastrou em:
10/03/2017 15:04:24
Van Ribeiro
editou em:
10/03/2017 15:06:58

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