The Wife’s Baby

The Wife’s Baby Daniel Hurst


The Wife’s Baby

My husband is not perfect, but our daughter is. But now she’s in danger…

When Tuppence was born, I thought I was complete. Even when my marriage to Leon began to falter, at least I had my baby girl to look after. Adults have problems all the time, but children have a way of making them seem so insignificant.

But then Tuppence goes missing and I realise how my life has been teetering on the brink for so long. Now it’s just me and my husband again, the two of us and all our problems, and we’re forced to work together as a team to get our beloved daughter back.

I don’t know where my baby is, but I will do anything to find her and hold her in my arms again. She’s my little girl and unlike her parents, she is perfect. She’s not made the mistakes we have. She’s not got dark secrets like us. She is better than we are…

We will get her back. I will get her back. But what if it’s already too late?

Suspense e Mistério

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The Wife’s Baby
The Wife’s Baby


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Gabby é casado com Leon e eles tem uma filhinha chamada Tuppence e eles moram em Edimburgo na Escócia. Desde que Gabby engravidou Seu casamento não é mais o mesmo. Com a intenção de melhorar seu casamento se relacionamento com o marido ela planeja uma viagem de trem para Stirling também na Escócia. Alguns dias depois da viagem Tuppence simplesmente desaparece e mais uma vez é só ela ela e Leon. Eles vão ter que trabalhar juntos pra tentar encontrar Tuppence. A história é... leia mais


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Sarah Warman/ @travelholic_sarah
cadastrou em:
25/03/2024 18:35:11
Sarah Warman/ @travelholic_sarah
editou em:
25/03/2024 18:38:11