The Wolf at Bay

The Wolf at Bay Charlie Adhara


The Wolf at Bay (Big Bad Wolf #2)

Going home digs up bad memories, so it’s something Bureau of Special Investigations agent Cooper Dayton tries to avoid. When he’s guilted into a visit, Cooper brings along Oliver Park, his hot new werewolf partner, in the hopes the trip will help clarify their status as a couple…or not.

When Park’s keen shifter nose uncovers a body in the yard and Cooper’s father is the prime suspect, Cooper knows they’re on their own. Familial involvement means no sanctioned investigation. They’ll need to go rogue and solve the mystery quietly or risk seeing Cooper’s dad put behind bars.

The case may be cold, but Park and Cooper’s relationship heats up as they work. And yet if Cooper can’t figure out what’s going on between them outside of the bedroom, he’ll lose someone he… Well, he can’t quite put into words how he feels about Park. He knows one thing for sure: he’s not ready to say goodbye, though with the real killer inching ever closer…he may not have a choice.

One-click with confidence. This title is part of the Carina Press Romance Promise: all the romance you’re looking for with an HEA/HFN. It’s a promise!

This book is approximately 84,000 words

Fantasia / LGBT / GLS / Romance / Romance policial

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The Wolf at Bay


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on 27/2/23

Ameii!! Pra mim, esse livro é muito mais sobre conhecer a história do Cooper e toda a sua dinâmica familiar que fez ele ser muito fechado no primeiro livro. Adorei conhecer a família dele e o mistério só incrementou mais ainda a história. Também temos um pouquinho, bem pouco, da história do Oliver, acredito que no 3 vai se aprofundar no passado dele. Estou adorando essa série, a escrita é boa, a dinâmica e interação dos per também é maravilhosa e o universo dos lobos tmb!... leia mais


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