The Woman Left Behind: A Novel (English Edition)

The Woman Left Behind: A Novel (English Edition) Linda Howard


The Woman Left Behind: A Novel (English Edition)

Jina Modell works in Communications for a paramilitary organization, and she really likes it. She likes the money, she likes the coolness factorand it was very cool, even for Washington, DC. She liked being able to kick terrorist butts without ever leaving the climate-controlled comfort of the control room. But when Jina displays a really high aptitude for spatial awareness and action, shes reassigned to work as an on-site drone operator in the field with one of the GO-teams, an elite paramilitary unit. The only problem is she isnt particularly athletic, to put it mildly, and in order to be fit for the field, she has to learn how to run and swim for miles, jump out of a plane, shoot a gun...or else be out of a job. Team leader Levi, call sign Ace, doesnt have much confidence in Jina--who he dubbed Babe as soon as he heard her raspy, sexy voice--making it through the rigors of training. The last thing he needs is some tech geek holding them back from completing a dangerous, covert operation. In the following months, however, no one is more surprised than he when Babe, who hates to sweat, begins to thrive in her new environment, displaying a grit and courage that wins her the admiration of her hardened, battle-worn teammates. Whats even more surprising is that the usually very disciplined GO-team leader cant stop thinking about kissing her smart, stubborn mouthor the building chemistry and tension between them. Meanwhile, a powerful Congresswoman is working behind the scenes to destroy the GO-teams, and a trap is set to ambush Levis squad in Syria. While the rest of the operatives set off on their mission, Jina remains at the base to control the surveillance drone, when the base is suddenly attacked with explosives. Thought dead by her comrades, Jina escapes to the desert where, brutally tested beyond measure, she has to figure out how to stay undetected by the enemy and make it to her crew in time before theyre exfiltrated out of the country. But Levi never leaves a soldier behind, especially the brave woman hes fallen for. Hes bringing back the woman they left behind, dead or alive.

Edições (1)

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The Woman Left Behind: A Novel (English Edition)



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