The X-factor

The X-factor Ross R. Reck


The X-factor

Getting Extraordinary Results From Ordinary People

From the Inside Flap

Have you reached your potential for managerial greatness yet?

Would you rather a) barely survive in a highly competitive market or b) dominate a highly competitive market?

Would you rather a) cold-call new customers or b) attract new customers who call you?

Would you prefer to a) employ a staff that resists change or b) have your staff suggest change?

If you chose b) for each of these scenarios, you’ve identified yourself as a manager who aspires to achieve far beyond what most people would consider acceptable or good. You want extraordinary results and are willing to work exceptionally hard to accomplish them. But you can’t do it alone. You need to know how to manage effectively in order to make outstanding results become routine and commonplace.

Recognizing that managerial theories today are analogous to the pieces of a large jigsaw puzzle, The X-Factor identifies all the relevant managerial pieces and illustrates how they work together to form a complete system called the "big picture"–one that enables any manager to achieve exceptional, off-the-charts results on a regular basis.

Written as a motivating parable, The X-Factor is an engaging tale of a very good manager, "Phil Ross," and his quest to become a great manager. Through this inspirational medium, bestselling author Ross Reck introduces a revolutionary, four-step management process–the PRAM model–that has yielded nothing less than remarkable results at Hewlett-Packard, John Deere, Xerox, and a host of other Fortune 500 companies.

With people and motivation the driving forces behind the X-Factor, this groundbreaking book shows you how to:

* Implement the PRAM model–Plans, Relationships, Agreements, and Maintenance–in your company

* Execute the four steps for putting together a plan to tame the X-Factor

* Create opportunities for people to satisfy their need for meaning at work

* Attract loyal customers who are excited about doing business with you, are willing to wait in line, and gladly pay premium prices

* Apply the X-Factor to labor unions and suppliers

* And much more!

The X-Factor also includes a number of examples of companies and individuals who have successfully used the PRAM model. These real-world case studies demonstrate the model’s versatility–and how you, too, can use this ingenious system to achieve your own set of extraordinary results.

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The X-factor
The X-factor



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11/01/2009 23:36:10