Thousand Autumns

Thousand Autumns Meng XI Shi


Thousand Autumns #3

Qian Qiu

The beloved danmei/Boys' Love wuxia novel series from China that inspired the donghua (animated series) streaming in English!
In this historical tale, a Daoist martial artist must begin a journey of healing and self-reflection as he resists the temptations of the powerful leader of a demonic sect.

Shen Qiao is a devout Daoist priest who has spent his life honing his skills and spirit, leading his sect with martial talent, beauty beyond measure, and an earnest heart. His polar opposite, Yan Wushi, leads one of the most powerful demonic sects and is said to be unrivaled in his strength and cunning. Yan Wushi believes in the inherently selfish nature of all people--himself included--and that nobody is above committing dark deeds for their own benefit.

When a fight leaves Shen Qiao injured, blind, and with hazy memories, Yan Wushi takes in the defeated sect leader with a dark plan: test the limits of the man's patience and faith in others to lure him onto the demonic path. Little does he know that he is about to meet the first immovable force of his life, and that two hearts can connect in unexpected ways. With the passing of a thousand autumns, who can stay eternal?

This Chinese historical fiction tale about powerful martial artists (wuxia) built around the desire between two men (danmei) inspired a beloved animated series (donghua). The Seven Seas English-language edition will include exclusive, all-new covers and interior illustrations.


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Thousand Autumns


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Thousand Autumns
Thousand Autumns

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Amei demais, se tornou um das minhas novels favoritas
on 26/10/23

?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?????????????. Thousand Autumns é uma novel que tem MUITA aventura, ou seja, muitos cenários. E em todos eles, vc visualiza onde eles estão, como estão se sentindo, nomes são poucos difícil de decorar, mas ao ser citado (que bem comum quando não é sua língua nativa ou que domina). Mas não perde a magia! ? ??????? Romance vai ocorrer mesmo no 3 volume, mas não deixa de ter cenas para te deixar louco! As provocações do Yan são as melhores partes, e Shen ainda atu... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
05/12/2022 16:11:26
editou em:
05/12/2022 16:11:36

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