Thrill Me

Thrill Me Faith Summers...


Thrill Me (Dark Odyssey Book 3)

A Dark Billionaire Mafia Romance

Time to break the rules and make her submit to me…

We dance like devils, except we wear masks.
Every night a different one.
Dancing on the edge.
Dancing with danger.
Me and her, for years.

I’ve allowed her to think she doesn’t already belong to me.
Time to change that up and claim her.

Possess her, dominate her, own her.
Heart. Body. Mind. Soul.

I’m Salvatore Giordano and I always get what I want.
I want her to be mine.
Submitting to my every command.
Fulfilling our wild fantasies.
I’ll make her cave to temptation.

I thought it would be simple.
Until the day when the past and present collide.
Skeletons tumble out of the closet whispering secrets on their lips.

I get caught in a blood war with a target on my back.
And, she sees something she shouldn’t have.
My enemies come for me and know she’s my weakness.

They want her.
Heads roll, and the streets fill with blood.
It’s kill or be killed.
The ruthless against the heartless.
I have to become both to protect her.
Even if it costs me everything.

Thrill Me is a standalone, full-length friends to lovers DARK Billionaire Mafia Romance in the Dark Odyssey series. If you love a filthy-mouthed, possessive Alpha you will love this.
CAUTION: Be prepared for one wild, steamy ride. Read at your own risk.


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Thrill Me


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on 3/2/24

Obs: Queria muito ler o 4° Livro por isso continuei a série mas sinceramente eu não indicaria a leitura deste livro como Máfia, no máximo ele é um BDSM leve , e a estória é difícil de engolir, é a Máfia mais burra e sem planejamento que eu já tive o desprezar de ler.... fica a dica. Livro: Thrill Me Série: Dark Odyssey - Livro 03 Autor(a): Faith Summers #Dark #Hot #BDSM #Máfia #IrmãosGiordano #CadaLivroUmCasal Sinopse Hora de quebrar as regras e fazê-la se submeter a mim... Dançam... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
30/11/2021 00:03:34
editou em:
30/11/2021 00:03:49

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