Thrown to the Wolves

Thrown to the Wolves Charlie Adhara


Thrown to the Wolves (Big Bad Wolf #3)

Agent Cooper Dayton is going to meet his boyfriend’s werewolf family. Unarmed. On their turf.

And he’s bringing his cat.

When Agent Cooper Dayton agreed to attend the funeral for Oliver Park’s grandfather, he didn’t know what he was getting into. Turns out, the deceased was the alpha of the most powerful werewolf pack on the eastern seaboard. And his death is highly suspicious. Regardless, Cooper is determined to love and support Park the way Park has been there for him.

But Park left him woefully unprepared for the wolf pack politics and etiquette. Rival packs? A seating order at the dinner table? A mysterious figure named the Shepherd? The worst is that Park didn’t tell his family one key thing about Cooper. Cooper feels two steps behind, and reticent Park is no help.

There are plenty of pack members eager to open up about Park and why Cooper is wrong for him. Their stories make Cooper wonder if he’s holding Park back. But there’s no time to get into it…as lethal tranquilizer darts start to fly, Cooper needs to solve the mystery of the alpha’s death and fight for the man he loves—all before someone else dies.

LGBT / GLS / Romance policial

Edições (1)

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Thrown to the Wolves


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Resenhas para Thrown to the Wolves (6)

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on 17/6/21

esse aqui foi meu favorito até agora, foi incrível ver as dinâmicas dos lobos, a política deles e descobrir mais sobre o oliver. me destruiu ver o oliver sofrendo por medo do cooper não aceitar ele como lobo ou pelo passado dele, o que me irritou aqui foi que todo aquele drama teria sido evitado com uma conversa entre eles. mais uma vez eu me surpreendi com o final, não esperava que o tio do oliver realmente fosse o culpado e o cooper cada vez mais me surpreende com a habilidade dele e... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.4 / 33
ranking 58
ranking 33
ranking 9
ranking 0
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
04/05/2019 00:05:43
editou em:
09/02/2020 18:41:35

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