Time Between Us

Time Between Us Tamara Ireland Stone


Time Between Us #1

Anna and Bennett were never supposed to meet. Why would they? Anna's a sixteen-year-old in 1995, fiercely determined to secure a running scholarship so she can leave her quiet, dull town and finally travel the world. Bennett's a seventeen-year-old in 2012, living in San Francisco and trying to control his ability to travel through time - an incredible gift, but also an unpredictable curse, which constantly threatens to separate him from the people he loves.

When a minor lapse in judgment puts his sister Brooke in danger, Bennett finds himself two thousand miles and seventeen years away - in Anna's world. As he searches for Brooke, Bennett is strangely and inescapably drawn to Anna, who feels sure she's seen him somewhere before. Through the gorgeous, mysterious newcomer, able to travel anywhere in a split second, Anna visits deserted tropical beaches and stunning mediterranean coastlines for the first time, and they can't help falling for one another.

But they both know, deep down, that it can never last. For no matter how desperate Bennett is to stay with Anna, his uncontrollable condition will inevitably knock him right back to where he belongs - and Anna will be left to pick up the pieces.

Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (3)

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Time Between Us
Time Between Us
Time Between Us


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Time After Time

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Resenha original para o blog SammySacional
on 1/5/14

Eu sou o tipo de pessoa fascinada por histórias que incluem viagem no tempo. Seja pulando de um ano/século para outro, como uma história se passando em um tempo remoto ou mesmo - e principalmente - no futuro. Não é a toa que Os Flintstones, vivendo na idade da pedra, me marcou tanto, assim como A Família do Futuro, que também se passa entre um tempo e outro. Então, logo que descobri sobre o enredo de Time Between Us, pensei comigo mesma: eu preciso lê-lo. Mas surgiu um problema: infe... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.6 / 17
ranking 24
ranking 35
ranking 29
ranking 6
ranking 6



cadastrou em:
08/09/2016 22:54:14