Touch of Hell

Touch of Hell Holly Roberds


Touch of Hell

A Five Orders Novel

Read as either a standalone or after Tear in the World from The Five Orders Series

We might survive this, if we don't kill each other first.

If you told me I would open up a demon exterminator business with the guy who's pulled on my pigtails since grade school, I would have told you to put down the crack pipe and snap out of it.

But the gates to a hell dimension opened up, releasing dark creatures into our world, and now it's up to Travis and me to clean up the streets.

A hell of a pair we make. The sidekicks, the losers, the screw ups. But at least we have a purpose now, chasing down the nightmares in our Whack A Ghoul van. Being part psychopath has never been so advantageous.

It's satisfying work, even if we sometimes accidentally burn down a client’s house while trying to exorcise the demons.

But when a mass of strange and unsettling suicides crop up, we find ourselves in waaay over our head. Not only because we have to track down the supernatural evil at work, but because my past has come back to haunt me.

I shoved my childhood trauma so far down, I can't afford to let my subconscious vomit it back up. I'll do anything to keep it locked in that cage, even if it means pushing away the one person who's stuck by me through literal hell.

And if that's not enough to send me to the insane asylum...

I'm hiding the fact I'm knocked up with Travis’s baby from our one night stand.

From the world of The Five Orders, Touch of Hell is a paranormal romance perfect for fans of Jessica Jones, Supernatural, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Download now for a ride so hot you won't be able to put it down until it's done!


Edições (1)

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Touch of Hell


(5) ver mais
Prophecy Girl
Tear in the World
Soulless Son
End Game


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cadastrou em:
03/02/2023 20:51:31
editou em:
03/02/2023 20:51:56

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