Trial of the Amazons (2022) #1

Trial of the Amazons (2022) #1


Trial of the Amazons (2022) #1

After the events of Nubia & the Amazons, the dangers of Doom’s Doorway have found their way to Man’s World and garnered the attention of not one, but all three Amazonian tribes. The Bana-Mighdall consider it to be a weakness in the current regime and have decided to return to the shores of Themyscira to stake their claim over the island. Little do they know, the Esquecida are not far behind, but instead looking for help to combat the evil unleashed. Tempers rise and swords are brandished as the women argue about the best course of action. Now Queen Nubia must show them all the way to peace by calling for one of the most famous Amazon traditions…the Contest. Who among them is worthy of leading them into the future? Find out as the bravest, wisest, and fiercest warriors compete to be champion of all the Amazons! DC Comics proudly presents the first Wonder Woman crossover of its kind, brought to you by the writers behind Wonder Woman, Nubia & the Amazons, and Wonder Girl and some of the best and brightest artists in the industry. You won’t want to miss this monumental story that brings all the Wonder Woman titles and characters together and changes them for good!

HQ, comics, mangá

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Trial of the Amazons (2022) #1


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Trial of the Amazons: Wonder Girl (2022) #1

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Julgamento das Amazonas
on 22/8/23

Por conta do Troneio para campeã que cuidara do portal as três tribos se uniram em Themyscira. As Bana-Mighdall as guerreiras de seu povo, elas não foram bem recebidas até chamaram de "Selvagens Imundas" pelas Themyscrianas achei uma falta de respeito como trataram a Rainha Faruka. Calíope: Você ameaça uma guerra em uma embaixada da paz. Faruka: Não ameaçamos nada, apenas prometemos. E a tribo das Perdidas, uma tribo do Brasil, Amazona que é literalmente Amazonas. Representante ... leia mais


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Anny Barros
cadastrou em:
16/03/2022 00:21:59
editou em:
17/08/2023 11:12:02

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