Truth Behind the Fantasy of Porn

Truth Behind the Fantasy of Porn Shelley Lubben


Truth Behind the Fantasy of Porn

The Greatest Illusion on Earth

THE TRUTH BEHIND THE FANTASY OF PORN RIPS THE MASK OFF OF THE PORN INDUSTRY New Book by Former Porn Star Shelley Lubben provides detailed accounts of what is really going on behind the scenes Former Porn Star Shelley Lubben who once worked under the name, Roxy, is shinning a light on the porn industry in an explosive new book being introduced on November 3, 2010 The book, which comes just days after the porn industry was rocked by another HIV outbreak that has temporarily shut down the multi-billion dollar industry provides details on how porn stars are treated behind the scenes and why the industry has not taken the steps necessary to prevent sexually transmitted diseases from continuing to run rampart. The "Truth Behind the Fantasy of Porn" The Greatest Illusion on Earth,is the first book ever written by a former porn star that exposes the secret side of porn. "Pornography is modern day slavery for thousands of women and the millions of addicts who can't stop clicking", said Lubben in her book. Lubben pulls no punches as she details her own personal journey that starts at the age of 9 with childhood sexual abuse and moves on to prostitution and then into the porn business. Following detailed behind the scenes accounts of how she and others were treated and abused, Lubben talks about the difficult road she traveled to not only get out of the industry alive and healthy but also how she became the leading advocate speaking out against the porn industry while at the same time managing to raise a beautiful family with a loving husband and three daughters. Lubben, who starred in about 30 movies from 1993\94 and caught herpes and HPV while in the porn industry, has now come full circle since stepping away at the age of 26 and now serves as Executive Director of the Pink Cross Foundation saving men and women that are trapped in the porn industry. She is also the leading advocate working tirelessly to expose the hazardous work conditions in the porn industry. Lubben has testified before Congress and has been working with the California State Legislature to enforce the current California health and safety laws.

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Truth Behind the Fantasy of Porn
A verdade por trás da fantasia da pornografia
Truth Behind the Fantasy of Porn



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Madalena oliveira
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16/11/2019 07:25:49