Unmask Alice

Unmask Alice Rick Emerson


Unmask Alice

Lsd, Satanic Panic, and the Imposter Behind the World's Most Notorious Diaries

An absorbing and unnerving read . . . this book demands to be finished in one sitting. --Booklist

Two teens. Two diaries. Two social panics. One incredible fraud.
In 1971, Go Ask Alice reinvented the young adult genre with a blistering portrayal of sex, psychosis, and teenage self-destruction. The supposed diary of a middle-class addict, Go Ask Alice terrified adults and cemented LSD's fearsome reputation, fueling support for the War on Drugs. Five million copies later, Go Ask Alice remains a divisive bestseller, outraging censors and earning new fans, all of them drawn by the book's mythic premise: A Real Diary, by Anonymous.

But Alice was only the beginning.

In 1979, another diary rattled the culture, setting the stage for a national meltdown. The posthumous memoir of an alleged teenage Satanist, Jay's Journal merged with a frightening new crisis--adolescent suicide--to create a literal witch hunt, shattering countless lives and poisoning whole communities.

In reality, Go Ask Alice and Jay's Journal came from the same dark place: Beatrice Sparks, a serial con artist who betrayed a grieving family, stole a dead boy's memory, and lied her way to the National Book Awards.

Unmask Alice: LSD, Satanic Panic, and the Imposter Behind the World's Most Notorious Diaries is a true story of contagious deception. It stretches from Hollywood to Quantico, and passes through a tiny patch of Utah nicknamed the fraud capital of America. It's the story of a doomed romance and a vengeful celebrity. Of a lazy press and a public mob. Of two suicidal teenagers, and their exploitation by a literary vampire.

Unmask Alice . . . where truth is stranger than nonfiction.


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Unmask Alice


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on 10/11/22

Uma coisa antes de ler: Rick Emerson não lista suas referências/fontes! Ele afirma que é porque a maioria das informações que ele cobre no livro estão prontamente disponíveis para conferir aqui na internet. Para mim, isso é como alguns dos meus alunos tentando adicionar www.google.com como sua única referência em seus trabalhos, porque esse é o lugar onde eles iam para coletar informações. Não é assim que isso funciona e, considerando o assunto deste livro e o que Emerson aborda sobre ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
07/07/2022 23:30:47
editou em:
07/07/2022 23:31:36

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