Using Fejo

Using Fejo Victoria Aveline


Using Fejo (The Clecanian #5)

She’ll do anything to get home. He’ll do anything to keep her with him, forever…

Vanessa doesn’t have the luxury of building a happily ever after on a new planet like her fellow alien abduction survivors. She must get back to Earth. Her family needs her, and she can’t afford to let them down again. So, she’ll find a way to break Clecanian law and get home—even if she has to marry (and betray) a sexy space pirate to do it.

Fejo can’t believe his luck when Vanessa, a gorgeous human with a sharp tongue, chooses him as her husband. He doesn’t know what he did to win her favor, but he’s determined to do everything in his power to make her happy. If only he could figure out why his alien bride is so reluctant to accept the kindness—and pleasure—he’s so eager to offer.

Vanessa’s plan was simple. Until she started falling for her ridiculously charming husband. Now, she has to figure out how to get home without breaking Fejo’s heart—or her own. Easy, right?

Ficção científica / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Using Fejo


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Com certeza o melhor até agr
on 2/9/23

Já tô morrendo de sdds deles ?? amei a Vanessa e a personalidade forte, sarcástica mal humorada dela, o Fejo é meu amor todinho ele é um querido o mais amável de todos não tem como não se apaixonar por ele e foi mt fofo ler ele conquistando aos poucos a vanessa, eles foram feitos um pro outro ? queria que esse livro fosse maior pq fiquei querendo ler mais detalhes sobre a julie em clecania tomara que no próx ela apareça tmb enfim amei dms... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.2 / 49
ranking 47
ranking 47
ranking 4
ranking 2
ranking 0



Nina Barb
cadastrou em:
20/12/2021 10:13:13
Nina Barb
editou em:
18/03/2024 18:48:43

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