War and Peace

War and Peace Leon Tolstói


War and Peace

Critical Edition

It is impossible to convey in words Tolstoy’s extraordinary capacity to transform a work of fiction into a spiritual quest for truth. Indeed, in War and Peace, it is above all, the exhausted truthfulness in his character that is most striking, revealing a sincerity which seems to fear nothing in exploring the most profound and inexorable philosophical ideas.

Indeed, it is in this context that Tolstoy’s enigmatic remark, namely that War and Peace is "not a novel, even less is it a poem, and still less an historical chronicle" can be understood. For War and Peace certainly is a truly great novel, is an undeniably powerful poem and is a historical chronicle of epic proportions. But underneath the unforgettable scenes of destruction and the beautiful passage on love is a metaphysical treatise on the very nature of Man and his relationship to God.
This collection brings together, for the first time in one volume, Tolstoy’s War and Peace with the definitive preface on Tolstoy’s lasting literary legacy.

The masterful translation, which was personally approved by Tolstoy himself, is by Louise and Aylmer Maude.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance / História

Edições (25)

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on 29/12/21

Terminar de ler esse livro mudou a minha vida. Primeiro que estou me sentindo completamente leve por não ter mais essa leitura nas costas. Segundo que estou me sentindo completamente satisfeita pela leitura. Eu já tinha gostado do Tolstoi lá em Anna Karienina mas aqui foi avassalador. Eu estive imersa na leitura até quando eu não estava lendo, parecia que era tudo muito real e próximo de mim. Gosto disso no Tolstoi, a gente fica íntimo dos personagens, a gente sente por eles, torce por... leia mais


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