(Watch Me) Save You

(Watch Me) Save You Avril Ashton


(Watch Me) Save You (Run This Town #04)

Is love enough to pull two drowning men back from the edge of darkness?

No one will love you. Tek Ng has heard that statement his entire life, and after all he’s been through, he believes it. The tortured reality of who he is wars with everything else in his world. He’s got a fiancée he doesn’t want, a family legacy he wants to escape, and unrequited love so unavoidable he descends into sexual depravity with the last person he should. Tek is drowning, but he’s not sure he wants to be saved.

Quinn Storm hides in his quiet house, afraid of his shadow and his memories. At one time he had a husband and a life, but that was snatched away in a violent attack. Hardly daring to live, Quinn is alive only because he’s too scared to end it all himself. He’s drowning and wants no chance at being saved.

A favor for a friend brings these two men together just in time for Tek to watch Quinn unravel. Quinn quickly becomes the most important thing in Tek’s life, but can he trust Quinn to love him once he realizes what Tek is hiding? Just as they reach for each other, their reprieve is shattered by Tek’s demons, leaving Quinn with the realization that he’s not the only one in need of saving.


Edições (1)

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(Watch Me) Save You


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on 30/3/24

Ultimo livro dessa série (que leva a OUTRA série pq o esquema de pirâmide aqui é sério) e finalmente vemos tek e quinn. os livros do is, elias e tek acontecem quase simultaneamente, então enquanto israel se tranca com o reg, tek se esconde com o quinn, enquanto tek se apaixonada pelo quinn, elias vê o mundo dele explodindo. então no final desse muita coisa fez sentido na minha cabeça. não tem muito o que explicar do plot geral, até pq vemos esse mesmo plot (vega e stavros e elias e o... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.9 / 16
ranking 29
ranking 53
ranking 18
ranking 0
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
05/01/2017 12:00:22
editou em:
10/11/2017 02:25:50

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