Wed to Krampus

Wed to Krampus Cara Wylde


Wed to Krampus (Arranged Monster Mates #12)

Is there anyone for me? Or am I meant to live and die alone?

Krampus. It could be my name, or it could be what my species is called. I don't know. During The Shift, something happened, and I lost my memory. I don't know where I come from; all I know is there's no one like me on Alia Terra. I am unique.

Uniquely monstrous. I am hard to look at.

I don't know how old I am, either. Old, for sure, but I feel young. Young enough that I have warmth and love to offer, if only I could find someone to accept me as I am. My only option is the Temple, but even as I let them draw my blood for the DNA test, I have no hope they'll find a match for me.

Against all odds, they do. And she is beautiful, perfect, so sweet, and... horrified when she sees me.

My bride cannot look at my face. How will she see what's in my heart?

The Temple, a matchmaking service for monsters, shifters, and aliens, is open for service.
Arranged Monster Mates is a series of novellas written by your favorite paranormal and sci-fi romance authors: Eden Ember, Layla Fae, and Cara Wylde.
Each of these steamy stories has it all: a possessive male, a heroine ready to sacrifice herself to the beast, plenty of spice, and a happily ever after to curl your toes!

Erótico / Romance

Edições (1)

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Wed to Krampus


Resenhas para Wed to Krampus (1)

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3 weeks, 6 days ago

Esse é mais romântico do que hot (tem cenas hot, mas são menores). Os protagonistas são uns fofos e a trama é toda em volta das inseguranças do boy. Tem as características exageradas de outros livros da série, mas aprendi a ignora-las e abraçar a história.... leia mais


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Jezreela Kemilly
cadastrou em:
08/05/2024 14:39:47
Jezreela Kemilly
editou em:
08/05/2024 14:42:00

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