Wed to the Orc

Wed to the Orc Layla Fae


Wed to the Orc (Arranged Monster Mates #6)

My tiny new wife is a force of chaos bent on turning my life upside down.
I am a researcher. I read books, conduct experiments, and live quietly on the fringes of the orc town. All I want is peace, quiet, and a female to satisfy the wild urges of my orc body so they don’t distract me from my work.

Getting a human wife through the Temple seems like a logical solution—until I bring her home and she starts sowing chaos. She moves my books, cuts my herbs to make bouquets, and replaces the blessed silence with laughter and song.

For such a tiny person, she can be very loud. And opinionated.

Worst of all, she does nothing to calm my libido. Instead, she makes my body eager and my mind obsessed. She encroaches on my space, my work, my thoughts, and worst of all, my heart.

I hate being out of control, yet with her, it’s all I can be. This cannot go on.

Something has to give.

The Temple, a matchmaking service for monsters, shifters, and aliens, is open for service.

Arranged Monster Mates is a series of novellas written by your favorite paranormal and sci-fi romance authors: Eden Ember, Layla Fae, and Cara Wylde.

Each of these steamy stories has it all: a possessive male, a heroine ready to sacrifice herself to the beast, plenty of spice, and a happily ever after to curl your toes!

Fantasia / Romance

Edições (1)

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Wed to the Orc


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Wed to the Ice Giant
Wed to the Wolfman
Wed to the Minotaur
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Resenhas para Wed to the Orc (2)

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Nerd fofinho
on 19/2/24

O protagonista, apesar do início turbulento, vai aos poucos evoluindo e descobrimos que na verdade ele é um amorzinho. Ele só quer pesquisar e ficar quieto no canto dele. A protagonista é uma das melhores da série e, no geral, gostei muito da postura dela e da personalidade. Li sem me estressar, nem gastar meio neurônio. Recomendo... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
20/07/2023 22:45:09
editou em:
20/07/2023 22:45:29

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