What About the Big Stuff?: Finding Strength and Moving Forward When the Stakes Are High

What About the Big Stuff?: Finding Strength and Moving Forward When the Stakes Are High Richard Carlson


What About the Big Stuff?: Finding Strength and Moving Forward When the Stakes Are High

Now in paperback, the bestselling author of the Don't Sweat series offers advice on how to deal with life's bigger issues. With more than 21 million copies in print, Richard Carlson's bestselling Don't Sweat series has shown countless families, lovers, and professionals how not to sweat the small stuff. Now, Carlson takes on a subject that many people have asked him about on his nationwide lectures and tours: "But Richard. What do you do about the big stuff?" In this groundbreaking new book, Carlson tackles the difficult issues -- from illness, death, injury, and aging, to alcoholism, divorce, and financial pressures -- with his trademark and eminently helpful advice. What About the Big Stuff? will help anyone feel better able to deal with life's twists and turns by offering warm, reassuring guidance in chapters such as: -- Overcome Aging Anxiety -- Become a Healing Force -- Experience Calm Resolve -- Retire with Ease -- Let Go of Your Past, and much more.

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What About the Big Stuff?: Finding Strength and Moving Forward When the Stakes Are High


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Chato de ler. Levei quase 2 anos
on 9/12/22

Chato de ler, repetitivo, capítulos que podiam ser cortados na metade. Bom para quem quer ler um livro um pouco mais simples para treinar o inglês. Mas se for esse o propósito , sugiro o Don't sweat on small things, do mesmo autor, que tem capítulos menores.... leia mais


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