What Monstrous Gods

What Monstrous Gods Rosamund Hodge


What Monstrous Gods

A rich and romantic new standalone fantasy loosely inspired by the classic Sleeping Beauty fairy tale, from the New York Times bestselling author of Cruel Beauty! Perfect for fans of These Violent Delights and The Shadow Queen.

Centuries ago, the heretic sorcerer Ruven raised a deadly briar around Runakhia's palace, casting the royal family into an enchanted sleep—and silencing the kingdom's gods.

Born with a miraculous gift, Lia's destiny is to kill Ruven and wake the royals. But when she succeeds, she finds her duty is not yet complete, for now she must marry into the royal family and forge a pact with a god—or die.

To make matters even worse, Ruven's spirit is haunting her.

As discord grows between the old and new guards, the queen sends Lia and Prince Araunn, her betrothed, on a pilgrimage to awaken the gods. But the old gods are more dangerous than Lia ever knew—and Ruven may offer her only hope of survival.

As the two work together, Lia learns that they're more alike than she expected. And with tensions rising, Lia must choose between what she was raised to believe and what she knows is right—and between the prince she is bound to by duty...and the boy she killed.

Fantasia / Jovem adulto / Romance

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What Monstrous Gods


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Uma ótima fantasia para se iniciar!
2 weeks, 2 days ago

Quando eu comecei essa leitura eu esperava que fosse uma Romantasia. A romantasia é bem consistente, temos um pano de fundo com uma fantasia cheia de mistérios e o desenvolvimento ou jornada do herói da/do protagonista e seu desenvolvimento amoroso ou com o antogonista da história ou o herói dela. Esse aqui é uma fantasia que tem pequenos traços de romance, e só, o foco msm é na jornada da prota e a fantasia envolvendo os Deuses. E isso me decepcionou um pouco, pq eu queria roma... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
26/09/2023 19:20:02
editou em:
26/09/2023 19:20:13