Win Bigly

Win Bigly Scott Adams


Win Bigly

Persuasion in a World Where Facts Don't Matter

Scott Adams, the world-famous comic strip artist and trained hypnotist, recognized Donald Trump's powers of persuasion before nearly anyone else. Now he's expanding his controversial blog posts into a fascinating book about master persuaders, and how anyone can copy their techniques - for good or for ill.

Adams predicted that Trump could go all the way. The public response was ridicule, scorn, and even calls to boycott Dilbert. But ultimately, Adams was right and his critics were wrong. So what did Adams see that the pundits missed? The short answer is: the power of irrationality.

In his new book, Adams goes beyond politics to look at persuasion tools that can work in any setting. He explains the secret tricks of the world's greatest persuaders, giving readers what he calls "access to the admin passwords for human beings." You'll learn, for instance, how to...

- Create linguistic kills shots with unexpected vocabulary and sticky imagery to refuel confirmation bias
- Use the High Ground Maneuver - a successful tactic of Steve Jobs during publicity flare-ups - to win almost any debate
- Spot the tells for cognitive dissonance so you know when others have abandoned reason.

Written in the clever but relatable voice that his fans love, this is a must read if you care about persuading others in any field - or if you just want to resist the tactics of emotional persuasion when used on you.

Humor, Comédia / Política / Psicologia

Edições (1)

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on 17/6/18

Scott Adams é o cartunista por trás do personagem Dilbert. Isso, por si só, já foi para mim uma motivação para ler seu novo livro. Adoro os quadrinhos do Dilbert. Com seu estilo cínico, muitas vezes ácido e direto, ele discorre nas quase 300 páginas como previu a eleição de Donald Trump para presidente desde os primórdios da corrida eleitoral. Mas quem pensa que o livro é sobre política, está enganado. O livro é sobre como dominar a arte (ou técnica) da persuasão pode levar você a ... leia mais


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02/05/2017 17:11:32