
Wolf Anna Hackett


Wolf (Sentinel Security #1)

He’s her best friend’s older brother.

The hot, tough former Navy SEAL.

The man she’s had a crush on her entire life and now the man pretending to be her lover to keep her safe.

CEO Lainie Madden has her hands full. In charge of a growing tech company, her work and her employees are her life. She’s sworn off love, because the sad reality is that she stinks at choosing men who aren’t self-absorbed cheaters. But when she starts receiving disturbing death threats and her company’s website gets hit with relentless cyber-attacks, she’s in over her head.

What she never expected was her best friend’s bossy, rugged brother to steamroll in to play her fake boyfriend and very real protector.

Former SEAL and CIA agent Nick “Wolf” Garrick is second in command at Sentinel Security. He’s spent most of his life fighting and protecting others, proving he’s nothing like the ex-con who fathered him. He’s also spent years ignoring his scorching attraction to his little sister’s best friend. Lainie is sweet, fresh, smart…and off limits.

But when he finds out she’s in danger, it flips a switch inside him. Whatever the risk, whatever it takes, even pretending that they’re lovers, he’ll protect Lainie and take down the person hunting her.

The more time Lainie and Nick spend together, the more the lines blur. As danger swirls around them, their pretend relationship starts to feel very real. But Nick doesn’t do relationships and Lainie doesn’t want to get hurt again…

Romance / Romance policial

Edições (1)

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(21) ver mais
The Investigator
The Bodyguard
The Specialist
The Troubleshooter

Resenhas para Wolf (1)

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on 20/10/22

Sabe aquelas fanfic escritas por adolescentes de 15 anos, com idade mental de 13!? O livros tem uma boa sinopse, mas a autora não sabe investir de verdade nos personagens, e é isso é terrível, eu só li pq achei que teria uma mudança já que estamos em outro ano, mas os personagens são os mesmo, digo em caráter, ações, tudo, até as falas. Pois bem é esse livro. Como sempre o livros se repete. Vou dar uma tragetoria de como é o enredo dos livros, ( de todos os livros e séries dessa autor... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.9 / 24
ranking 21
ranking 58
ranking 17
ranking 4
ranking 0



Luh Silva
cadastrou em:
10/10/2022 23:14:01
editou em:
16/06/2023 08:58:38