Woman from Another Planet

Woman from Another Planet Frank Belknap Long...


Woman from Another Planet

Woman From Another Planet: With their plan for world domination at stake the Martian empire selects two lovers for their first attack on planet Earth.

Armchair Fiction presents extra large editions of classic science fiction double novels. The first novel is by sci-fi/fantasy master Frank Belknap Long, “Woman From Another Planet.” This is the unusual and sensual story of David Loring, an artist, and his beautiful fiancée, Janice Reece. David loved Janice but the Martian Empire had a plan to entice David away from his beloved. With their plan for world domination at stake the Martians selected these two lovers’ for their first attack. Together, David and Janice became involved in a highly emotional and physical conflict that broke through the barriers of outer space itself. Join renowned horror and sci-fi author Frank Belknap Long for a 1960 sci-fi tale he wrote for Chariot Books, a book company famous for their sexually provocative paperback novels. Although this tale is fairly tame by today’s standards, it’s interesting to see how Long weaves the elements of sex and science fiction together. The second novel is “Homecalling,” by Judith Merril. The ship had crash landed on an alien world, burning to death the two parents of two small children on board. Although thoroughly jostled and bruised, Dee and her little brother Petey had somehow survived. Comprehending their horrible situation wasn’t easy for a child of eight! But, gathering up all the courage she could muster, she set off exploring the area near the ship. What she found, was a large garden, and a lot of very big, ugly, and overly curious, bugs! Veteran science fiction author Judith Merril has presented here a fascinating and convincing picture of the thought-processes of a different species on a far-off world. It’s a tale filled with unusual adventure and thought-provoking situations.

Contos / Ficção científica / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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Woman from Another Planet



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João gregorio
cadastrou em:
25/04/2021 12:10:26
editou em:
29/01/2024 20:34:31

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