World War II

World War II Hourly History


World War II

A History From Beginning to End

Until 1939, World War I was known as “the war to end all wars,” but when Nazi Germany capped its mounting aggression against its neighbors by invading Poland, Europe was plunged into a second global conflict that threatened the entire continent as well as the far-flung colonial possessions claimed by the French, British, and Dutch. German triumphs saw nation after nation fall until only Great Britain remained defiant against Hitler’s dreams of conquest.

By late 1941, the United States was forced from neutrality into war after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Meanwhile Joseph Stalin’s Nonaggression Pact with the Germans became meaningless after Germany invaded the Soviet Union. In Europe, along the Eastern Front, and in the Pacific, the Allies battled the Axis Powers, and then, on D-Day, June 6, 1944, the invasion of Normandy brought the fighting closer and closer to Berlin.

In the Pacific, the Allies fought the Japanese island by island in bloody battles where the bodies of fallen soldiers attested to the Japanese willingness to die for their emperor. Untested American President Harry Truman had to decide whether to continue the fighting in the conventional manner and allow more American troops to be slaughtered in battle, or to use a new and devastating secret weapon to bring the war to a cataclysmic conclusion.

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World War II


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World War II
on 5/3/23

É um resumo realmente bem superficial da Segunda Guerra. Mas mesmo sem muitos detalhes, cumpre seu papel de informar os principais episódios e compartilhar o mínimo do que devemos saber para entender esse período tão horrível e desesperançoso da história humana. Recomendo para qualquer um: escrita simples, objetiva e rápida.... leia mais


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Pâmela Sampaio
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06/02/2020 14:38:44

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