Wow! My Cuban-American Recipes and Stories

Wow! My Cuban-American Recipes and Stories Teresita Shelton


Wow! My Cuban-American Recipes and Stories

THIS IS VOLUME #1 OF A 3-VOLUME SET.Beef and Seafood dishes, Appetizers, Dining Table, Stories and more!Teresita Shelton was born In Havana, Cuba in 1940 of Irish and Scottish ancestors. She attended the University of Villanova in Havana and received an Associate Degree in Business. When she was only 17 years of age she was emancipated (something very unusual at that time) by her father Dr. Raul M. Shelton, to allow her to open her own fabric store which she named "Capricho". She has worked almost every single day of her life since then. In 1961 she came to Miami as a newlywed to join her father and two sisters, Georgina "Yoyi" and Susana who had arrived a couple of months earlier fleeing the Communist Revolution in Cuba. Her mother and the rest of the family joined them in exile later. In Miami she started working right away. Her first job was at the Miami laundry Company. She landed the job after answering an ad seeking an Addressograph machine expert, something she claimed she was even though she had never heard the word before. But her passion is cooking. She had been cooking for her family since her mentor in the kitchen, Caridad, the family cook, remained behind in Cuba. That passion is now 53 years old and still growing. Cooking for her siblings and parents first, then for her kids and husband, later for her kids and her friends and now for her grandkids is where she finds the peace and what relieves her from the stress of her business. Teresita has been a Realtor for 35 years in Miami, and is the co-owner along with her daughter, Tere Shelton Bernace, a Yale and Thunderbird graduate, and her well known partner Consuelo Stewart, of Shelton and Stewart Realtors, a highly reputable Real Estate Company on Sunset Drive in South Miami. The real estate company has about 100 sales associates, specializing in high-end residential sales and a Commercial Division to serve local and International clientele. She is also a dreamer, and while she cooks her mind travels between her years as a youth in Cuba, and her life in Miami. Her family has always been her number one priority. That is why she is memorializing the recipes and stories of her life to leave them as a legacy for her family. * All recipes are illustrated in full color from the ingredients to the finish dish. * Over 1,600 photos between both volumes, all taken by her while she cooks.* Stories about her growing up in Cuba and becoming a mother and grandmother in Miami.

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Wow! My Cuban-American Recipes and Stories



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