Written In My Own Heart

Written In My Own Heart's Blood Diana Gabaldon


Written In My Own Heart's Blood (Outlander #8)

It is June 1778, and the world seems to be turning upside-down. The British Army is withdrawing from Philadelphia, with George Washington in pursuit, and for the first time, it looks as if the rebels might actually win. But for Claire Fraser and her family, there are even more tumultuous revolutions that have to be accommodated.

Her former husband, Jamie, has returned from the dead, demanding to know why in his absence she married his best friend, Lord John Grey. Lord John's son, the ninth Earl of Ellesmere, is no less shocked to discover that his real father is actually the newly resurrected Jamie Fraser, and Jamie's nephew Ian Murray discovers that his new-found cousin has an eye for the woman who has just agreed to marry him.

And while Claire is terrified that one of her husbands may be about to murder the other, in the 20th century her descendants face even more desperate turns of events. Her daughter Brianna is trying to protect her son from a vicious criminal with murder on his mind, while her husband Roger has disappeared into the past . . .

Ficção / História / Romance / Aventura / Fantasia / Ficção científica

Edições (6)

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Written in My Own Heart
Written In My Own Heart
Written In My Own Heart
Written in My Own Heart


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É bom, mas já deu
on 12/9/21

Outlander é uma série que apesar dos livros enormes, eu leio com prazer só pra saber da vida diária e coisas triviais das vidas dos personagens. Mas do ponto de vista criativo da contagem de história, devo dizer que já deu. Tem muita coisa (boa e ruim) se repetindo (geralmente são as ruins que mais se repetem). Durante a saga inteira já houveram três incêndios, várias batalhas, acontecimentos de quase morte, nascimentos e estupros e a gente fica pensando quanto sofrimento um ser huma... leia mais


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05/03/2016 17:57:08

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