You Ruin Everything

You Ruin Everything M. Malone


You Ruin Everything

He's grumpy. He's shirtless. He's good with his hands He's also my best friend's brother and the bane of my existence. My plan was simple. Career, marriage and kids by the big 3-0. Instead my stepfathers company went bankrupt taking my career (and relationship) with it. Now Im fixing up my grandmas ramshackle house in Violet Ridge, Virginia, trying to find a handyman who doesnt mind being paid in brownie bars and bless your hearts. Unfortunately the only handyman who doesnt require six months and a kidney is Hendrix Evers. Im searching how to sell a kidney when Rix proposes we help each other out. Hell fix up the house if I let him stay rent-free. To everyone else hes a hardworking, small town hero, but hes also my best friends older brother, so I know the truth. Hes rude, juvenile and has a long history of ruining things for me. But when my attempts at DIY end in a flooded bathroom and almost falling to my death through a rotting porch, I figure I dont have much to lose. Somehow Ive become the breadwinner for my mom and little sister and the adoptive mom to a pug with anger issues. I can use all the help I can get. Surely we can co-exist for one summer without burning the house down or strangling each other, right? This was so not in the plan. From RITA® Award winning author M. Malone comes a hilarious new standalone romantic comedy about starting over and failing upward! Perfect for fans of Melanie Harlow, Meghan Quinn, Elsie Silver, Pippa Grant, and Lucy Score. You Ruin Everything is a steamy, small town romance featuring puppy hijinks, unconventional friendships, a cantankerous Victorian home and a zany family at the center of it all.

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