Young Mungo

Young Mungo Douglas Stuart


Young Mungo

orn under different stars, Protestant Mungo and Catholic James live in the hyper-masculine and violently sectarian world of Glasgow's housing estates. They should be sworn enemies if they're to be seen as men at all, and yet they become best friends as they find a sanctuary in the pigeon dovecote that James has built for his prize racing birds. As they find themselves falling in love, they dream of escaping the grey city, and Mungo works especially hard to hide his true self from all those around him, especially from his elder brother Hamish, a local gang leader with a brutal reputation to uphold.

But the threat of discovery is constant and the punishment unspeakable. When Mungo's mother sends him on a fishing trip to a loch in Western Scotland with two strange men whose drunken banter belies murky pasts, he will need to summon all his inner strength and courage to get back to a place of safety, a place where he and James might still have a future.

Imbuing the everyday world of its characters with rich lyricism and giving full voice to people rarely acknowledged in literary fiction, Douglas Stuart's Young Mungo is a gripping and revealing story about the bounds of masculinity, the push and pull of family, the violence faced by so many queer people, and the dangers of loving someone too much.

Ficção / LGBT / GLS

Edições (2)

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Young Mungo
Young Mungo


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Resenhas para Young Mungo (2)

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on 4/8/23

É uma das histórias mais cruas e mais doloridas que eu já li em um livro LGBTQIAP+, ao mesmo tempo que é a mais sensível e poética história de um amor (quase) impossível. Mungo é um menino sensível e todos os personagens constroem ou mostram um aspecto da vida ou dele próprio. Nada está ali por acaso. O aspecto religioso às vezes parece sem sentido, mas justifica, em certo ponto, todas as agressões sofridas pelo personagem. É um livro que precisa ter estômago e ao mesmo tempo te env... leia mais


Informações não disponíveis
Avaliações 4.2 / 22
ranking 45
ranking 32
ranking 18
ranking 5
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
01/01/2022 00:19:13
editou em:
01/01/2022 00:20:40

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