1000 True Fans

1000 True Fans Jon Longhurst


1000 True Fans

Use Kevin Kelly's Simple Idea to Earn A Living Doing What You Love

This short, clear book introduces you to the 1000 True Fan income model. If you could get 1000 True Fans to support you by buying $100 worth of what you create every year, you would earn an income of $100,000 a year.

That sounds a bit like a get-rich-quick scheme. 1000 True Fans is not that. It's a get-a-good-income-slowly income model. It requires hard work, but once you’ve built up 1000 True Fans, you are free forever to live as an independent creator earning good money making what you love. Thousands of people are already using this income model that is recommended by Kevin Kelly, Tim Ferriss, Seth Godin and Ramit Sethi. Kevin Kelly invented the term 1000 True Fans in a 2008 blog post.

This book shows you how you follow a 1000 True Fans income model. It's ideal for anyone who can create a product or service. If you create music, art, writing, information, knowledge, apps, products you've designed, training courses, or anything else you can think of, you can use this business model to live independently.

The book is quick and easy to read, written like a letter from a friend who wants to help you. This book starts you on your journey towards getting 1000 True Fans.

Negócios e Empreendedorismo

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1000 True Fans


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Como ganhar a vida fazendo arte e sendo um criador independente?
on 6/4/24

O livro é basicamente um modelo de negócios curto e direto que ensina como ganhar a vida sendo um criativo e, portanto, sendo seu próprio chefe. Em 49 páginas, o autor vai direto ao ponto: você precisa de 1000 fãs verdadeiros. Não estou dando um spoiler aqui, afinal, é esse o nome do livro. Não é o tipo de livro "coach" ou aquele blablablá de "enriqueça-fazendo-o-que-gosta-mas-antes-gaste-fazendo-o-meu-curso". O intuito do autor é ajudar criativos a sairem do lugar, uma vez que ... leia mais


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29/03/2024 07:57:59
editou em:
29/03/2024 07:59:48

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