7 Rules of Power

7 Rules of Power Jeffrey Pfeffer


7 Rules of Power

Surprising - But True - Advice on How to Get Things Done and Advance Your Career

If you want to "change lives, change organizations, change the world," the Stanford business schools motto, you need power. Is power the last dirty secret or the secret to success? Both. While power carries some negative connotations, power is a tool that can be used for good or evil. Dont blame the tool for how some people used it. If fully understood and harnessed effectively, power skills and understanding become the keys to increasing salaries, job satisfaction, career advancement, organizational change, and, happiness. In 7 Rules of Power, Jeffrey Pfeffer, professor of organizational behavior at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business, provides the insights that have made both his online and on-campus classes incredibly popularwith life-changing results often achieved in 8 or 10 weeks. Rooted firmly in social science research, Pfeffers 7 rules provide a manual for increasing your ability to get things done, including increasing the positive effects of your job performance. The 7 rules are: 1) Get out of your own way. 2) Break the rules. 3) Show up in powerful fashion. 4) Create a powerful brand. 5) Network relentlessly. 6) Use your power. 7) Understand that once you have acquired power, what you did to get it will be forgiven, forgotten, or both. With 7 Rules of Power, youll learn, through both numerous examples as well as research evidence, how to accomplish change in your organization, your life, the lives of others, and the world.

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7 Rules of Power


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Adeus ética
on 3/7/23

Há uma escritora e palestrante muito famosa chamada Brené Brown que escreveu "O Poder da Vunerabilidade", onde não é um problema você demonstrar estar vulnerável em determinados momentos. O "7 Regras do Poder" é a antítese, pois ele diz que vulnerabilidade é para quem não está no comando e provoca o leitor a pensar se prefere estar no barco comandado por alguém que demonstra vulnerabilidade ou por alguém que demonstra confiança. Se escolher a primeira opção, pensa nesse barco afundando... leia mais


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João gregorio
cadastrou em:
21/06/2022 10:33:49
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editou em:
03/07/2023 16:59:13

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