A Bride for Noah

A Bride for Noah Lori Copeland...


A Bride for Noah (Seattle Brides #1)

Lori Copeland and Virginia Smith, beloved authors of the Amish of Apple Grove series, team up again in an exciting new series for devoted fans and new readers. Its 1851, and Evie Lawrence is penniless and heartbroken after a failed romance. When a kind elderly man announces his plan to move west and make his fortune, Evie jumps at the chance to go with him and start a new life. She says goodbye to the only home shes ever known and sets out for the Northwest. There she meets Noah Hughes, a handsome young man who has gambled everything he owns on the chance to make a fresh start. Living the rugged life of a lumberjack, he too is determined to one day make his fortune. The last thing hes looking for is a bride...so why cant he get Evie out of his mind? In this first book of the Seattle Brides series, two people learn what it means to move beyond their expectations and embrace the very best God has for them.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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A Bride for Noah


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on 28/7/22

O livro conta a história de Evie Lawrence, uma jovem sem família que termina o noivado com um homem que ela percebe que não nutri amor por ela, e resolve abrir um restaurante no acampamento madeireiro, num novo território. Lá ela conhece o sobrinho do seu sócio Noah Hughes, e entre planos, índios, lenhadores, jovens mulheres e muita confusão, o romance floresce. As coisas que mais gostei na historia, a coragem de homens e mulheres em sair das cidades e desbravar esse mundão de meu De... leia mais


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18/01/2022 10:16:01
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26/07/2022 07:46:22

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