A Date for the Goose Girl

A Date for the Goose Girl Laura Ann


A Date for the Goose Girl (Middleton Prep #4)

Just who is the real L.G.?

Mateo Kingsley was desperate to find a woman who would look beyond his wallet, which led him to an online dating site that banned pictures or names. When he feels a deep connection with L.G., he can't help but be overeager to meet her in person. But surprising L.G. at the school where she works proves to have dire consequences. Strange coincidences soon lead Mateo to believe he is dating the wrong L.G. But why won't anyone tell him the truth?

Tired of being left behind in the romance department, Lucy Gozling finds herself signed up for online dating. To her surprise, she begins a correspondence with M.K., a man who quickly begins to steal Lucy's heart. But when she discovers he has mistaken one of her colleagues for herself, she sets out to put things right. When her job is threatened if she exposes the truth, Lucy must decide what she is willing to risk. A career she loves or the man who might just be her Happily Ever After.

'A Date for the Goose Girl' is the fourth installment in the Middleton Prep series. Each story is a clean, contemporary romance, loosely based on your favorite fairy tales. The books can be read in any order.

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A Date for the Goose Girl


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on 3/9/20

Aqui temos a Lucy, que cansada de ver todos seus amigos vivendo o felizes para sempre, resolve entrar em um site de namoro. Só que esse site não tem fotos nem nomes inteiros, na intenção de surgir atração pela beleza interior. Lucy conhece o MK, ou simplesmente Mateo, os dois começam a troca email e logo de cara percebem que combinam. Lucy ia dar aulas no verão em um colégio, só que acaba ficando doente e surge uma substituta. Mateo sabendo das aulas resolve aparecer de surpresa, só qu... leia mais


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21/11/2019 11:26:33

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